旨在於運用設計的手法幫助客戶解決關於空間應用上的問題,找到好的問題觀點並提出解決的設計方案。真實呈現人與空間的新關係,找出美好的文化,以追求本質/ 真誠/ 創新為執業精神”;我們將每一個項目皆視為完美傑作,以重及真誠的態度面對每一件設計作品。獲選2015 中國安邸AD 100—全球在中國最具影響力建築設計菁英之列。


朱志康 Chu,Chih Kang

National Taiwan Academy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese painting group
Practice University Product and Architecture Design Institute

  • Designer of "The Most Beautiful Bookstore In The World" -- Fangsuo Bookstore in Chengdu.
  • AD100 China topped the most influential buildings. Design elite
  • Founder of Wuguan Books
  • Prestige Magazine 40 under 40 year man of the year
  • 2016 The GAA Foundation invites to the official Venice Biennale Parallel Exhibition TIME SPACE EXISTENCE
  • 2017 The GAA Foundation invites to attend the PER-SONAL STRUCTURES at the Venice Biennale


Think of every project as a perfect masterpiece
Facing every design work with respect and sincerity


+886 07 2693656 / 0929262782